The New Old George!

The New Old George!
To shave or not to save...

Monday, July 18, 2011

The New Old George!

The New Old George! Pensive in Thailand and wanting to share my new life with family and friends. Why the beard? Here a bearded Westerner is VERY SEXY!

Yes, family and friends, I've done it again, something I do about every seven years:  I've made the changes in me that I have been thinking about, imaging, and contemplating for the last seven years.  One of my basic questions in life:  What's next?  Those who know me well know that from one decade to the next, I am not the same.  Except that I am the same.  How's that?  I am always changing, attempting to manifest in the exterior world the changes, actually the realizations, going on in the inner world.  That's me!

Following is a mix of other photos of the Bearded One, including ones I've dug up of me when, at another time in my life, I sported a beard.  Also, a photo of me and my friend Peht (Diamond) at Elephant Village and a photo of my twin when he put on his Claude Debussy look.  Enjoy!

Mom, Pat, and me enjoying a good time together c.1980

My good Thai friend, Peht (Diamond), at Elephant Village

You know I am ready for a change here!

In Jamaica Plain, c.1979
Jimmy, my twin, at about 25 years old